Monday, July 23, 2007


what's with all this waiting?you would think with all of this high tech stuff people wouldn't have to wait any longer.I am quite convinced that all of my email and voice mail messages end up in some cyber-space black hole for 2 months until someone finally decides to search for them and respond. Sometimes they don't even respond!oh well

Friday, July 13, 2007

still happening

I wonder if my fellow live journal users will consider this cheating as well.Customer service still sucks, and I don't have time to go through this again, so just look here: only difference is that it took an hour on the phone w/ a CSR to pay a 26 cent shortage for a cell phone.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Looking for Domain Registrar

I was wondering if anyone knows of a domain registrar that is cheap $7 to $9 per domain, that offers free email forwarding through aliases.I have a free host, so I don't need the whole hosting package. The registrar I'm currently with is inexpensive and easy to use for my website, but has no phone numbers to dial to even discuss email forwarding or anything at all for that matter. I've been emailing the support address since mid August and no one has replied except for the auto-reply.

The personality disorder test

What was really scary about this is that since it was looking for the extremes (i.e. are you very... ), I found myself answering no to most of the questions.oh well...DisorderRatingParanoid:LowSchizoid:LowSchizotypal:LowAntisocial:LowBorderline:LowHistrionic:ModerateNarcissistic:LowAvoidant:LowDependent:LowObsessive-Compulsive:Low-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

One Year

Well, it looks like it took me one year before I started posting. And now, it's been another year since I started. I've averaged about a post a month....not still means there's hope for me....

Saturday, July 7, 2007


vinylm's LiveJournal Secret Crush Stats The below statistics indicate what sorta crushes vinylm has on his LJ friends!No Crush89.7%Secret Crush5.1%Public Crush0.0%Ex-Crush5.1%What are your LiveJournal Secret Crush Stats?Tired of the sickly Suicide Girls? Faux geek porn got you down?Check out That Strange Girl.

Friday, July 6, 2007

You Do It Like a...

You Do It Like a Gay GirlEven if you're not a girl's girl, you act like one.You tend to form deep, long lasting loves…And after you've gazed into one another's soulsThe battery operated sex follows!Straight or Gay? Guy or Girl? Who Do You Do it Like?More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

will they ever learn?

So I have this friend I've known for over 3 years. I like being her friend, and have no interest in her in any other way.Recently she's been dating this guy. Bear in mind, I have never met him, but from what she has told me about him, I would have to conclude he's sleazy.Mistake #1--She works with himMistake #2--While he was dating another girl (pictures on his desk etc.), he took my friend home to her place and he went down on her. (No sex because that would be cheating--yeah right!)Mistake #3--When he broke up with his girlfriend, she started to date him.Mistake #4--One night while they were having (unprotected) sex at his house, he brought a sex toy to bed. Usually no big deal, but this was a USED sex toy!Mistake #5--She forgave him for trying to use the toy on her!Mistake #6--Recently, he went out of town on business. She had been wanting to see him as soon as he got back. On the phone he told her he was a little tired, and was going to meet up with an old friend and talk for a while--One of their co-workers saw him out at a restuarant with a strange (and really ugly) girl. Faced with getting caught, he fessed up to my friend the next day to being out on a date. (But he claims he didn't sleep with her) He also never mentioned that someone from the office saw them out together.Right Thing #1--She dumps him.Mistake #7--She took him back. "He's learned his lesson", "He's changed", "It's in the past", "He's taking me on a trip"I've just finished arguing with her about this crap. I told her that I trust her judgement implicitly when her emotions are not involved, but she obviously can't see how sleazy this guy is, and that when he cheated on his former girlfriend with her, she should have seen it coming. This whole trip thing shouldn't matter, and of course she claims it doesn't, but seriously, who is she trying to fool? I know there isn't crap for me to do, and that she really needs to learn her lesson. I'm just hoping that this asshole doesn't give her some STD in the process. She is a divorced single mom and this would prove to be a really stupid move.