Thursday, June 14, 2007

another day

Saw Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets yesterday. Not a bad movie at all. Runs about 2 1/2 hours though. It's much darker than the first one and from what I understand they're going to get progressively darker with each new one.It should be easy to replace Richard Harris as Dumbledor. He's under so much makeup and facial hair, he's literally unrecognizable.Went to a launch party for Jewish singles. I just don't get it. They seem to be the same people at all of these functions. They seem to have the same attitude as well. It's no wonder that they're still single.I've often wondered why a majority of Jewish women don't like cats.Left the party after the initial rush of people had died down. If I had left ten minutes earlier than I did, my team trivia team would have come in first place. I knew the lost lyrics bonus question--a surprise considering I'm usually horrible with lyrics. I also got the Laverne and Shirley TV question wrong. What was Squiggy's real first name? I had two guesses on the sheet, and asked a teammate to pick one. Of course, it was the other one.I wish this damned economy would turn around already.


aboutocarle30 said...

Was there enough time to get a dedication to Mr. Harris in the credits?

shreioshea19yahoocom said...

Ugg... I avoid Singles events like the plague... I am just not that snotty or materialistic. And they are so full of themselves..But I am still single to so what the hell am I talking about! *wink*Well, just wanted to say that I know what you mean!

shrihmarclals said...

i didn't even think about that...after sitting through two and a half hours, i just wanted to get out of the auditorium

thestang said...

I have often thought of myself as "normal". My younger brother has been married and divorced now and appears to fit in the normal category better than I do.these events are more like little cliques. if you haven't been in the community from your conception, you might as well stay away. Oh though internet dating is much better

cucerancer4yahoocom said...

At least with internet dating you get to "know" the person without superficial distractions getting in the way...Of course, I am a bit burnt out on dating...

nlfhtgalips said...

Squigmond :)

abrutooacle7 said...

I am deeply disturbed that you knew that.

mertinpettangiryahoocom said...

I knew that one.