Thursday, June 28, 2007

The fun has begun

Last year at Dragon*Con, I spent most of my time running errands for our show. Such is life for a producer. At least a lot of the stuff has gotten done this year, and I'm not standing in Lowes or Home Depot tomorrow trying to finish sets and props at the last minute.I might actually have time to enjoy myself this year--probably not until Monday morning again after our show. (I worry too much)I think we might actually go on closer to midnight this year instead of 2:30 am. So Rocky Horror at Midnight might actually happen.Speaking of which, our booth for Lips Down On Dixie is where it was last year (between Centennial I and II ) If anyone wants to stop by and leave me a message, that would be great.We finally got the DVDs from last year's Dragon*Con show (the one everyone couldn't stop talking about) on sale at the booth. $15 (and now a word from our sponsor)I'm really excited about our cast and production. We've worked extra hard, and everyone seems to be working in unison."Dress Rehearsal" is tonight at Lefont Plaza at midnight. It should be really


daarioeiprofdcia said...

Break a leg at your show! Im so sad Ill be missing it this year. Tell all your cast that that girl who was dressed as Columbia last year says hello.

oesihbdtlayz said...


sangtheghost said...

Just wanted to say thanks for having Bill and I hop on stage for the "Mickey Mouse Roll Call". Had a great time and will be heading down to the Lefont to check you guys out soon. Great Show!!Allen"Jesus......The Other White Meat"S.

aetisanssrlling38 said...

no problem. it was great having you guys there. you managed to break Jevocas (Frank)I've posted a pic of you guys on our yahoo fans group