Thursday, June 28, 2007


the definition of insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting a different result.sometimes i wonder...


ththelliecant71yahoocom said...

If we aren't all insane?;-)

senesmissyahoocom said...

I thought that was the definition of futility. And now for an old laura-quote: .we are all a broken record of ourselves.

twenthowohytone said...

Hi. Makes me wonder what action you were repeating and which results you expected. God, I hate being out of the loop.I'm Gary, by the way. I'm the guy that practices coitus with Crim's chin on a pretty-much weekly basis. Hope you don't mind, but I've added you to my friends list.

here0psce said...

Yay! I'm no longer out of the loop (well, on this question, anyway). I feel your pain. Been there. Who am I kidding? I've aspired to being there. I'm not sure there's another option. I've tried cold turkey, but, like Michael Corleone, "just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." I just keep telling myself the pros outweigh the cons.Okay, now I've lost myself. What were we talking about?

elauhgs39 said...

you gay girl lover, you!i knew there was a reason why i liked you. heh;)it's ok though...i got the same thing.i'm now amused..thanq for my up-to-early something-to-do.heh.