Wednesday, January 16, 2008

meme alert

found this one recently:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Borrowed from mil...

Borrowed from miladyelizabeth :Today's Terror Alert Level:

Saturday, September 8, 2007

New Years Traditions

Since everyone seems to be stirring at this point, just wondering what other people's New Year's traditions are and how many you have picked up from friends, significant others etc.1) The PeachI started going down to underground Atlanta in the late 80's to watch the Peach Drop. A year before that I was working at elan in dunwoody (they closed later that year). A year before that I brought in the new year at the Limelight (that was the last year it was open). Suffice it to say, I don't like being in a club at midnight anymore. The club usually closes that year.2) Chinese FoodMy ex-girlfriend said that you should eat Chinese food on New Year's day. No idea why. Maybe she was thinking of Christmas day?3) Black Eyed Peas/Collard GreensMy childhood nanny told me this was important. Collards for money in the new year, and the peas for luck.4) Hoppin' John whatever this stuff is, a friend had a new years day party and made it. no idea5) champagnebeats me6) kissing at midnightgood to do, but no idea where it came from7) sex sometime on New Year's Dayagain, good to do, but no idea where the tradition came from8) 'what you do on new year's day, you will do for the rest of the year'a friend suggested that you:a) count your moneyb) spend some of your money (wisely)c) start a new projectd) call family and friends9) put change in a jar filled with watermy family used to drive up to North Carolina and ski Beech mountain between Christmas and New Year's. For a while we'd end up bringing in the New Year in the motel room with my mom's mother (my Persian grandmother)She would put change in the bottom of a jar or glass and leave it on the table from nye to the end of nyd. She said that it would bring us money in the new year.It didn't. We stopped doing it after two years of poor results.Not that I WANT any addition New Year's traditions. I'm just curious as to if I seem to be the only one with so many.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Happy Friggin' New Year! Now get up and feed me!

The next time I go out in public I might have little claw marks all over my face. It seems 'the kids' don't understand that dad needs a few extra hours of sleep New Year's Day before getting up to feed them wet food. Twice this morning, once at around 6 am (which is unheard of) and again at 10 am (which is about an hour and half late) I was awakened to a clawing feeling on my face from my 18 pound cat.I am no pet psychiatrist, but I know enough NOT to wake up and feed him or the little one after he does this kind of thing. If he learns that all he has to do is poke me on the face with his claws to get fed, there's no end to the potential torture I might have to endure. Pavlov should have used a cat!Bear in mind, the kitties never starve. I have a full cannister of dry food that is available 24/7. They just like the ritual and taste better of wet food.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"I haven't shaved my legs"

I'm still trying to figure this one out. If I hadn't heard it twice from two seperate women within the past five days it wouldn't have seemed so pronounced.I have women friends that like to bounce ideas off of me. Last week, I was told by one of them that she wasn't going to sleep with her ex-boyfriend. She stated with confidence "I haven't shaved my legs, so I know I won't have sex with him".I just heard it again from another friend not more than a hour ago about HER ex-boyfriend.Use some common sense here. If you're that hot for your ex, or even someone new, hairy legs aren't gonna make a difference. They sure aren't gonna matter to him. Especially an ex-boyfriend that has seen you at your worst. He's not gonna say "I know I'm hot and heavy for some heavy duty penetration, but eewww! I can't have sex with you cuz you've got hairy legs!"So this can be considered a PSA for women out there. Please don't rationalize the hairy legs scenario any more.

Fancy that--Vacant buildings on the rise

It's kind of funny that after I posted a continuation of my rant about losing Atlanta history in favor of development, the Sunday biz section of The Atlanta Journal Constitution printed this article: (please forgive me for not knowing how to do a cut)THE 2003 ECONOMY: REAL ESTATE: PR execs get pick of places for officeLeon Stafford - StaffSunday, December 28, 2003When Bob Cohn, Jim Overstreet and Amy Parrish decided to open a public relations firm earlier this year, they needed office space in a hurry. Such need is a poor bargaining chip in the world of lease negotiations, but it wasn't a problem for the firm. In today's commercial real estate market, Cohn, Overstreet & Parrish had the upper hand. "When we were looking, agents were throwing amenities at us right and left," Overstreet said, ticking off such perks as deals on parking, utilities and cleaning services. "They were giving away property." And that is looking to be the case in 2004, said John Zintak, vice president at Carter, an Atlanta commercial real estate firm. There will be a moderate recovery next year, he said, but the surplus space is too large to be reversed in one year. After looking at space at three or four different buildings, Cohn, Overstreet & Parrish settled for Midtown Heights on Spring Street, which gave the fledgling company free furniture. Mark Pettit, president and chief executive of Creaxion, another Atlanta public relations firm, said he gets at least one call a week soliciting his interest in moving his company from Buckhead's Atlanta Financial Center. He was even cornered at a recent holiday party by an agent offering space for $12 a square foot. That's a marked change from Creaxion's first search for space in 1999, when it had just three employees. "It was the other way around then," he said. "The landlords were in charge." Creaxion has grown to 12 employees and has enlarged its space three times, all while watching its neighbors move out. "I think what they see in us is a steady business," Pettit said. And if the Financial Center wants to keep Creaxion, Pettit wants more than just a more competitive lease. "I want our name on the sign." Vacancy rates on riseVacancy rates have been creeping upward all year, reaching roughly 17 percent, reports Torto Wheaton Research.What demand there is for space seems to have been coming from smaller tenants, who account for more than half of all leased office space, according to a Prudential Financial report.That is consistent with signs, while tentative, that small businesses are leading the economic expansion, Prudential reports. "The recovery in tenant demand that we expected in the second half of 2003 has not yet materialized."About 31 million square feet of office space in metro Atlanta was empty at midyear. That's a vacancy rate of nearly 25 percent, the worst since 1992, according to Cushman & Wakefield. More than 63 million square feet --- 14.5 percent of the total --- of industrial space was vacant, according to Cushman & Wakefield. Federal Reserve economists have predicted a pickup in commercial real estate next year. However, estimates it will take at least a year for the national vacancy rate to dip to its 10-year average of 13 percent.--- Michael E. Kanell

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Matzoh Ball

I know I've got two entries within hours of each other, but I felt the need to vent.Every year on Christmas Eve, some of the Jewish groups put together a party for all the Jews in Atlanta. Last year's party was at The Ravinia. Probably about 600 to 900 people. I had a great time meeting a lot of new people.This year, there were two parties. One, again at The Ravinia, and another one at Park Tavern in Midtown. Feeling that the party at The Ravinia was going to be basically the same as last year, I headed down there again.Bad mistake. There were probably about 150 to 200 people at The Ravinia and probably 800-1000 over at The Park Tavern. Unfortunately, friends convinced me to stay at The Ravinia. "We have a room upstairs and we'll be having a party after the event is over"Lame party...nuff said...I never expect to meet anyone significant. I was just hoping my night would have been more fruitful.I did get two unexpected compliments that meant a lot to me, so I suppose it wasn't a total wash.