Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"I haven't shaved my legs"

I'm still trying to figure this one out. If I hadn't heard it twice from two seperate women within the past five days it wouldn't have seemed so pronounced.I have women friends that like to bounce ideas off of me. Last week, I was told by one of them that she wasn't going to sleep with her ex-boyfriend. She stated with confidence "I haven't shaved my legs, so I know I won't have sex with him".I just heard it again from another friend not more than a hour ago about HER ex-boyfriend.Use some common sense here. If you're that hot for your ex, or even someone new, hairy legs aren't gonna make a difference. They sure aren't gonna matter to him. Especially an ex-boyfriend that has seen you at your worst. He's not gonna say "I know I'm hot and heavy for some heavy duty penetration, but eewww! I can't have sex with you cuz you've got hairy legs!"So this can be considered a PSA for women out there. Please don't rationalize the hairy legs scenario any more.


pjjrof40 said...

Most women are very, very silly. I have no idea why.

bestholziaydyahoocom said...

wow..and to think I considered that thought when I shaved mine today. hahahaha

juu4yuk7yahoocom said...

I can see what you're saying but am guilty of it just the same...1. Even if it is your ex and he's seen you at your worst, you still want to be hot and feel "at your best".2. Some women overthink what others may pay attention to, especially when it comes to their looks/appearance.3. The sex is better when she is most comfortable and feeling sexy... if her leg stubble is distracting her... Hmmm... maybe the answer is to go ahead and shave then have sex instead of talking about how you can't have sex because you didn't shave.

einitugehacb said...

the problem seems to be that they are purposely NOT shaving their legs to rationalize NOT having sex."I don't want to have sex with my ex-boyfriend, so I won't shave my legs" like it's some kind of magic birth control or something.

instrnmeatul87 said...

I haven't shaved my legs since the '70s! But nobody looks at my legs because they are gross anyway. And I don't have much hair anyway. So I can be all 70s feminist I Am Woman Hear Me Roar! Woooo! Go me!

rainyp9nploma8a said...

*bites bottom lip*"Oh, I'm sorry, hun, I have a headache."c0kblocker

heredpatherejanan61 said...

I haven't shaved my legs in two weeks and have had sex. But I'm of Irish decent, so it really makes little difference.

piraktehhessek1yahoocom said...

makes sense to me :)

hl1dgt said...

yeah... gotta have a tatic

momyrbidaascinftion said...

*blink*Oh how I've missed you.