Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Seaonal Affective Disorder--I really hate the fall time change. People freak out when the sun starts to set at 4:30.It's bad enough that the days are shorter. It's even worse that the time shift is early in the morning when a lot of people aren't even awake yet anyway. Who was the brilliant person to come up with Daylight Savings time?The biggest problem with trying to change it is it's an individual state law/resolution for every state. You'd have to get every state to change it.


blgnkblini70 said...

The British came up with Daylight Saving Time (no "-s") during WWII. The original idea was to conserve oil for the war effort, and to make it more difficult to be attacked at night. What's confusing is that each state interprets it differently, and some don't even use it at all.

vajiervil8acanasl6 said...

there is no daylight savings time in Indiana...has the East Coast switched over? We are going back to visit this weekend and it would be nice if we didnt loose an hour like we normally do...

aheladieswty14yahoocom said...

I was going to mention that there is always the option of moving to Indiana and thereby stop participating in Daylight Savings. ;-)