Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Matzoh Ball

I know I've got two entries within hours of each other, but I felt the need to vent.Every year on Christmas Eve, some of the Jewish groups put together a party for all the Jews in Atlanta. Last year's party was at The Ravinia. Probably about 600 to 900 people. I had a great time meeting a lot of new people.This year, there were two parties. One, again at The Ravinia, and another one at Park Tavern in Midtown. Feeling that the party at The Ravinia was going to be basically the same as last year, I headed down there again.Bad mistake. There were probably about 150 to 200 people at The Ravinia and probably 800-1000 over at The Park Tavern. Unfortunately, friends convinced me to stay at The Ravinia. "We have a room upstairs and we'll be having a party after the event is over"Lame party...nuff said...I never expect to meet anyone significant. I was just hoping my night would have been more fruitful.I did get two unexpected compliments that meant a lot to me, so I suppose it wasn't a total wash.

1 comment:

hong said...

Hey thats gr8 Atleast u got Compliments....