Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A reminder not to give to UNICEF

I'll probably get a lot of flack for saying this, but it needs to be said. UNICEF is not our friend.It's a charity that takes money from U.S. citizens and uses it in third world countries under the banner of United Nations.Despite the actions of the U.S. in other lands, good or bad, our charitable donations are never credited to us under UNICEF. True, anonymous donations are usually much more sincere, but the U.S. has really big P.R. problem these days. If you would like to contribute charity to third world countries, make sure that the organization you choose does it giving you or the country it came from credit for it.


palladin375 said...

Aw, how can you resist dropping a few coins in that little orange box when an eager little kid comes to your door on Halloween? Is giving candy better? It's just pocket change and it does do some good. The money is used for buying vaccines, feeding refugees and digging wells--things like that. I have no problems whatsoever giving money to Unicef. You can't give to every charity expecting credit to go to the United States. You've not convinced me, hun!

thewadieslay44yahoocom said...

I guess my point is that the little refugee kids grow up hating the U.S. without even realizing that those vaccines and care packages are provided to the U.N. (who really can't stand the U.S.)by the U.S.